A skid is a modular equipment made of a base plate which supports piping set and equipments such as pumps, reactors, heat exchangers, filters, instrumentations, Valves.
It features a second main characteristic which is the split between the onsite works and workshop works. It is one of the main advantage of a SKID : most of the works and assembly are performed remotely from customer plant.
The final usage is diverse : pumping, filtering, cooling , thermal exchanges, pressure, flow, temperature control, fuelling...
DG PROCESS is located in the east of Canada, in Québec region, a region particularly rich in industries.
Many industrial groups and potential customers of DG PROCESS are located in the surrounding municipalities (Fredericton, Saint-John, Boston, Melbourne, Los Angeles, Houston, Montreal, Phoenix, San Antonio, San Diego, Adelaide, Glasgow, Boston, Dublin, Manchester...).